Post examination activities are crucial to publish examination results on time. Many education institutes and universities face many challenges to publish results within 30 to 45 days after completion of the exams.
Each entity from the examination department right from the controller of examination, registrar, answer sheet evaluator professor or teachers, moderators, result printing team are involved in this co-ordinated task to complete result publishing activity in stipulated deadlines.

Many education institutes especially higher education is becoming tech-savvy and the percentage of visiting faculty is usually high for many institutes.
In today’s environment, there are more than 60% of faculty for leading management institutes are visiting and they are located across multiple cities or multiple countries in some cases.
Post examination activity of physical answer sheet checking has many manual activities involving higher cost and logistics. Onscreen marking systems have come to the rescue to simplify this process with the help of technology.

The Onscreen marking system is helping many universities and autonomous institutes to simply automate and control examination answer sheet Checking and result processing tasks.
Usage of onscreen evaluation solution is recommended with the right coordination of the tasks along with defining roles and responsibilities of the individual entity.
Article Contents
1. Answer sheet scanning team
A. This team is responsible for scanning physical copies of the answer sheet.
B. After scanning all answer sheets should be properly masked to hide the identity of the student information like roll number, name, division, etc.
Some institutes are using bar codes to map the answer sheets with a particular student. It helps in the masking process.
C. All scanned copies of the answer sheet should be uploaded to the software system as per respective subject code, stream code, student id number or roll number. The onscreen evaluation solution has automated this mapping process to avoid errors associated with the manual uploading of answer sheets.

Registrar has the overall administrative and managerial responsibility of the university.

In case of results, the registrar has the responsibility of keeping records of all student information along with permanent grades and masks obtained in each exam, semester and overall result.
Onscreen evaluation system can provide all required statistics to the registrar. It can become easy for the registrar to login to the system and track progress or download marks in an excel sheet.
3. Controller of examination
The controller of the examiner is responsible for managing the examination process from start to end.
COE acts as a coordinator for various activities starting from defining exam time table, defining the process to design question papers, conducting exams across multiple exam centers, evaluation, and result publishing, etc.

Software tools like onscreen marking systems provide a central dashboard accessible to the controller of examination. COE can monitor overall activities of answer sheet evaluation by logging to the system. Detailed analytics can help to keep track of completion activity. It can help to analyze the overall progress of the answer sheet evaluation.
Traditional answer sheet evaluation may not be able to provide the dynamic status of the answer sheet evaluation process. The online system can help to understand progress with the detailed dashboard.
4. Evaluators
Evaluators or answer sheet checking teachers /professors are core to this evaluation activity.
The traditional answer sheet checking process involves the physical handling of answer sheets.
The onscreen evaluation system helps the evaluator to check it online from any location.
It also helps to speed up the checking process as a system is able to auto calculate the scores.
The dashboard of the evaluator provides key insights into the answer sheet checking progress.
It can show key statistics like a total number of answer sheets evaluated, total pending answer sheets, subject, and stream-wise analysis.
There are 2 types of evaluators.
A. Internal Examiner / Evaluator :
Those are teachers/ professors working in the institute on a full-time basis. Usually, the administrator or examination controller team assigned an answer sheet evaluation to multiple internal examiners.
B. External examiner / Evaluator :
External examiners can be full-time faculty from other institutes/ universities or visiting faculty from the corporate world. In traditional examination answer sheet checking, the external evaluator needs to travel to the respective institute campus to physically check answer sheets and compile results. It is a time-consuming activity.
Onscreen marking can solve this issue where faculty can easily evaluate answer sheets from any secure location with internet connectivity.

5. Moderators
The role of the moderator is to re-check a certain percentage of answer sheets evaluated by the first level evaluator.

In the traditional method, some need to manually mask marks assigned by the first level evaluator.
It is done to ensure that the moderator is not getting biased with marks entered by the evaluator. Second level evaluation or moderation can be done in a fair manner.
The onscreen evaluation process makes it simpler as there is no need for a manual masking process. The software takes care of assigning a fresh copy of the digital answer sheet for evaluation for the moderator.
Moderators also get a dashboard to track the progress of the evaluation. The overall job of answer sheet evaluation is made simpler.
Each institute/ university can have different rules and regulations related to the moderation process.
1.If a student secures more than 90% marks
2. If a student is failed in the exam
3. The student is the topper for the exam or in top 5 percentile bracket
4. A student is in lowest 5 percentile of the overall batch
If the above-mentioned rules match with the score obtained by the student during the evaluation phase then such cases can be automatically assigned to the moderator.
Above mentioned rules are custom according to the rules of the education institute. In the case of an onscreen evaluation system, you can easily configure such rules and randomly select answer sheets for the moderation from the pool and range of percentage marks.
Limitations of Manual Moderation Process
Manual moderation activity involves physical handling of answer scripts. Searching, Sorting of answer scripts is time consuming process and it becomes difficult to identify set of answer sheets for the moderation activity.
Onscreen evaluation System provides a seamless moderation process where you can easily define algorithms and criterias of moderation. Moderators can easily do the evaluation of selected answer sheets sitting at any location in a secure manner.
Fresh digital answer sheet copy is assigned to moderator so masking of previously entered marks is not required for onscreen evaluation system.
6. Program Head
This role is related to management institutes where the person is responsible to review the progress of their respective program related to result in publishing.
Program heads can log in to the system and can easily track each evaluator’s progress along with key statistics like the percentage of work done total pending work.

Program heads can add a number of evaluators to the task in case if overall things are behind the schedule.
Program heads can get alert about the progress of answer sheet evaluation on their email and SMS.
7. Students
The life of the students can be made simpler in case of a request for a copy of the evaluated answer sheet.
In case the student is not happy with marks assigned and wants to recheck the things then students can request a photocopy of the evaluated answer sheet. In the traditional process, the student needs to fill the form for it and make certain fee payment based on a number of subject copies needed. The administrative team needs to arrange a photocopy of the answer sheet and it needs to be forwarded at the respective student institute. Logistical activities only add to delay in processing such requests.
Onscreen evaluation system can easily issue online access to the student for a certain number of days.
Students can easily check an individual copy of the answer sheet. After a certain number of days, online access to the answer sheet can be removed. The entire process can be completed in a paperless manner without any need for a manual photocopying process.

The manual process takes a lot of days as it involved getting access to the physical copy of the evaluated sheet, making a photocopy of it and then issuing it to the student. All those delays usually add to the frustration of the student and it can also lead to delay in result processing.
An onscreen evaluation system can simplify tasks of all those entities to ensure that result processing can be completed in a quick time in a cost-effective manner.
Gujarat University is using Eklavvya and ePravesh platforms to manage Online Registrations and Online Examination Process of the academic exams and CCC exams across Gujarat State.
Gujarat University
Prior to using Eklavvya’s Onscreen Evaluation, our result processing, and examiner checking process were scattered.
Eklavvya helped us to streamline it using the online answer sheet checking process.
Now we are able to evaluate more than 100,000 answer sheets in each session.
Our result processing has improved drastically due to Eklavvya.
Prof Madhushree Sekher
Dean – School of Vocational Education Tata Institute of Social Sciences
What is Onscreen Marking System?
Onscreen Marking System is a technology-based solution that allows examiners to mark exam papers electronically using a computer or tablet. This can be used in place of traditional paper-based marking, providing a faster, more efficient, and more consistent method of marking exams.
How does Onscreen Marking System work?
Onscreen Marking System typically involves the use of online web based software that allows examiners to mark exam papers electronically.
The exam papers are scanned and uploaded into the software, where the examiner can use a computer or tablet to mark the answers. The software may also include features such as automatic grading, as well as real-time feedback and data analysis.
What are the benefits of using Onscreen Marking System for university result processing?
There are several benefits of using Onscreen Marking System for university result processing, including increased speed and efficiency, improved accuracy and consistency, and enhanced data analysis and feedback.
Onscreen Marking System can also help to reduce the workload and stress on examiners, as well as improve the overall experience for students and examiners.
How do I implement Onscreen Marking System for university result processing?
To implement Onscreen Marking System for university result processing, it is necessary to identify the specific requirements and needs of the university, as well as the available technology and infrastructure.
This will involve conducting research and consulting with experts to determine the best software and systems to use, as well as developing a plan and schedule for implementing the system.
What are the challenges of implementing Onscreen Marking System for university result processing?
There may be several challenges associated with implementing Onscreen Marking System for university result processing including the need for training and support for examiners. It may also be necessary to address concerns about the security and integrity of the system, as well as the potential impact on the workload and stress levels of examiners.
How do I ensure the success of Onscreen Marking System for university result processing?
To ensure the success of Onscreen Marking System for university result processing, it is important to have a clear plan and schedule, as well as dedicated resources and support.
It is also essential to provide training and support for examiners, as well as to regularly monitor and assess the performance and effectiveness of the system. It may also be necessary to be flexible and adapt to changing requirements and needs.