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The traditional answer sheet evaluation process has many activities to be completed to declare the result. Check out the below steps to simplify the answer script evaluation.
Here is a short video about the Onscreen Marking System
1. Collection of Physical Answer Sheets at Central Location
The examination is conducted across multiple locations. All the physical copies of the answer sheet should be collected at the secure central location for further processing.
2. Masking of Student Identity/ Roll No/ Name from Answer Sheet
Examination Answer sheets should be masked before further processing. Identity of the student should be hidden from the examiner to allow fair evaluation.
In the traditional process, each answer sheet first-page content is added with some white paper masking to hide roll no and other details of the student.
In some of the cases, universities have also started using the answer sheet with bar codes printed on it. The bar code number is matched with student roll no to avoid the identity of the student being disclosed.
3. Inviting Examiners for Answer-sheet Checking
Examiners are invited at the secure location to evaluate answer sheets. The manual process involves logistical activities and the cost of travel of the examiners at the central location.
Examiners are supposed to complete the answer sheet evaluation process in a certain time-frame. Due to the lack of process and analytics, it is difficult to check the progress of the answer sheet evaluation.
Software technology can help to eliminate such steps. Onscreen evaluation can eliminate examiner traveling to the central location. Onscreen evaluation can be enabled on certain IP addresses so that examiners can check answer sheets from their home/ institute.
4. Re-masking Answer sheets for Moderation Process
After the first level of answer sheet evaluation, there is a need for a moderation process.
A certain percentage of answer sheets are re-evaluated by the moderator. So masking of the annotations for the physical copy of the answer sheet should be done. It is a manual process where a person needs to hide marks assigned by the first examiner.
Technology like Onscreen Evaluation can help eliminate this process. During the onscreen evaluation, student details and mark annotations are automatically masked during the moderation process.
5. First Level Moderation
Moderator needs to re-evaluate the answer sheet. After re-evaluation, as per rules and regulations of the university, the maximum score of the 2 evaluations can be considered as final marks obtained by the student.
Using Onscreen Evaluation is easy to monitor and assign final marks as software can automatically define rules related to moderation and final score calculations.
6. Second Level Moderation if Needed
A certain percentage of answer sheets can be kept for second-level moderation. In such case re-masking of the answer sheet is to be done to mask marks allotted by the first examiner and first moderator.
The onscreen evaluation process can easily mask such entries without any need for a manual masking process.
7. Result Compilation 
Each examiner is supposed to calculate the total marks obtained by the candidate. All the criteria related to compulsory questions, optional questions.
The onscreen evaluation system is able to compile results automatically. Manual calculations are prevented so it results in accurate result calculations.
8. Result Feeding in the Software System
After the manual process of the answer, sheet checking is completed, all the marks for each subject/ Roll No/ Students should be entered into the system.
The onscreen evaluation process has a result module that can generally result in excel instantly. It can be feed in any software system for mark-sheet printing activity.
9. Student Request for Scan Copy of checked Answer Sheet
The student has authority/ right to ask for scan copy of the checked answer sheet.
In the traditional process, someone needs to get physical copy of the answer sheet, scan and photocopy it and then it is issued to the student.
It involves manual work and many logistical activities. Onscreen Evaluation can simplify it so that student requests can be managed using the software. The student would get a link to view evaluated answer sheet. This link would be active for a specific time duration for viewing. Entire activity and cost of scanning, handling physical answer sheets can be eliminated.

- Eliminate manual answersheet checking process.
- Check answersheets from any remote location.
- Automate result processing activities using technology.
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