Onscreen Evaluation for Answer Sheet Checking

Onscreen Evaluation or digital answer sheet evaluation provides many advantages for education institutes to simplify post-examination activities leading to result processing.

Here are some of the key features of the Onscreen Evaluation System to explore and get started-

What is Onscreen Marking System? 

Onscreen Marking System is useful to evaluate physical copies of the answer sheets in digital format.

It helps remove a location and physical answer sheet handling constraints for the examiners, moderators and result processing authority. A physical written answer sheet is scanned and uploaded to a cloud-based software system.

Digital evaluation tools like digital annotations, assigning marks, total calculation, and moderation are simplified and can be completed in a quick time.

Here is one of the System screenshots of the Annotation Panel to evaluate the Answer sheet copy.

Online Answer Checker

Here is the introductory Video to understand what is Onscreen Marking Solution

Benefits of Onscreen Marking for Exam Paper Correction

  • Automate the online evaluation process by evaluating the answer scripts online.
  • Make the evaluation process easy, efficient and affordable by removing location constraints and the offline evaluation process.
  • Reduce the evaluation time, and cost and improve answer script accuracy.
  • Faster and more accurate result processing by evaluating answer scripts online.
  • Flexible Evaluation can be done anywhere, anytime irrespective of the location of the schools.
  • Extensive Reporting allows you to generate detailed reports on answer scripts.

Here are the details of the Online Onscreen Marking System 

1. Exam Master Creation

Exam Master Creation Onscreen marking system steps

It is the first step to initiating online evaluation activity. Examination attributes like Exam Name, Semester Name, Exam Type, and Question Paper Pattern need to be defined in the system. The exam can have compulsory/optional questions where the student is expected to attempt say any 3 out of 5, any 2 out of 3 questions. The schema of the examination process should be defined for each exam.

It would act as an input to the evaluation step. Exam Master would display all the exams defined in the system for one or more courses as shown below. The question paper or Model Answer Copy is also uploaded and it can be viewed here. It is useful during the evaluation process.

2. Exam Paper Upload

Exam Question paper Upload-onscreen marking

There is a facility to upload question papers in pdf format. Admin can upload question papers associated with each exam defines in step 1. It would be useful to view the question paper during the answer sheet evaluation. You can also upload model answers along with question papers as a reference for evaluators and moderators.

You can upload question papers along with their pattern like optional questions, compulsory questions, Semester, and Subject. There is an Excel template defined for exam patterns. It is useful while generating results after the onscreen evaluation process.

3. Candidate Master Information

Student Master Information-Onscreen marking

Each student/candidate entry should be made in the system with attributes like Name, Email, Contact Number, Division, Stream etc.

Information on Individual students, Batch(s) can be imported, and updated in this section. As shown on the above screen you can see, Student data would be shown in a grid with the features Import Template, and Deactivate. You can also record exam attendance in this section.

Simplify Answersheet Checking with Onscreen Evaluation
  • Eliminate manual answersheet checking process.
  • Check answersheets from any remote location.
  • Automate result processing activities using technology.

4. Candidate Batch Creation

You can define one or more logical grouping of the candidates based on division, course type (full-time, part-time) and specialization selected etc.

This logical group helps to identify subjects associated with the individual as it would help in assigning exam attributes for a particular candidate and subsequent result processing.

5. Scanned Answer Sheet Upload

Scanned answer sheet management- onscreen marking

The scanning process scans physical copies of the answer sheet and it is uploaded to the system over cloud data. All Answer sheet copies are digitally masked to hide the identity of the student from the examiner.

6. Examiner/ Evaluator Master Data Creation

Evaluation Process Management

You need to upload examiner or evaluator data in the system. You can define individual evaluator with the help of Name, Email, Mobile, Specialization etc. Each evaluator can log in to the system using the unique credentials defined. 

7. Evaluator Assignment

Evaluator Assignment

Admin needs to assign each individual evaluator a certain number of answer sheets to evaluate.

There is a facility to assign answer scripts to the pool of examiners. Let’s consider if the answer scripts of a particular subject ‘Mathematics’ has 5000 answer scripts and the total number of examiners can be 15. In this case, the system can assign answer scripts to individual examiners in a random manner.

There is also a facility to assign one answer script to be evaluated by 1 or more examiners simultaneously. Based on the scoring pattern algorithm and score difference system can assign the final score for the respective answer sheet.

Examiner Pool Management

There is also a facility available to define examiner pooling. In this context, the examiner can be part of one or more pools associated with a particular subject/stream. Answer sheet evaluation is assigned dynamically based on the evaluation allocation algorithm. Using this methodology, the evaluation process can be improved with efficient examiners getting more answer sheets for the evaluation.

8. Evaluator Scheduling

Admin can also define evaluation schedule. The evaluator needs to ensure that all answer sheets are evaluated within the defined time frame. After a specific time, the evaluation activity gets disabled for the respective examiner.

Admin can also define the minimum time required for evaluation of single answer script. Let’s consider admin has set a minimum time frame of 2 minutes then examiners would need to evaluate the single answer sheet for at least 2 minutes before marking it as completed evaluation.

9. Secure PDF View for Answer sheet / Online Answer CheckerOnline Answer Checker

Each evaluator has unique login credentials to log in and view individual copies of the digital answer sheet.

A secure pdf viewer is provided to view and add annotations. Each evaluator can easily add annotations and marks for individual questions and sub-questions. Online Paper Correction can be managed easily with this process.

Blank Page Identification

The system has a facility to mark a particular page as blank. It would be removed from the evaluation dashboard of the examiner. Blank pages would be auto-marked with annotation

Answer Sheets

Rotate Answer Sheet

The on-screen evaluation system includes a feature that allows users to rotate the answer sheet. This functionality is particularly useful in situations where the answer sheet may not have been scanned properly, or the orientation of the scan does not match the original layout of the paper.

For instance, if a student has drawn a diagram horizontally across the page, but the scanning process has positioned it vertically, evaluators can utilize the rotate function to correctly align the page for easier viewing and assessment.

This tool ensures that each page of the answer sheet can be adjusted as needed, allowing for accurate and efficient evaluation.

What is a digital Evaluation System?

A digital evaluation system is useful to evaluate digital copies of the answer sheet using a laptop, tablet or any such electronic device. Examiners can log in securely to the system to evaluate answer sheets in a digital manner. Exam Paper Correction process is simplified with the help of digital evaluation system.

Here is the detailed presentation of the Online Paper Checking App Eklavvya

How to check the Answer Sheet?

Answer sheets can be evaluated online using an onscreen marking system. The examiner can log in securely and see all pages of the answer sheet on the screen. Toolbox and controls are available on the screen to define annotations and evaluate the answer sheet.

Following are some of the controls or tools available for the evaluator to check the answer sheet digitally.

Annotation Toolbox

10. Reporting and Administration

The system has provided unique reporting and analytics to track the progress of each evaluator, and moderator for the answer sheet evaluation process.

onscreen marking reports

Critical numbers like the total number of answer sheets evaluated, the total number of answer sheets pending, avg number of answer sheets evaluated per day, avg. the time needed to finish a particular answer sheet can be tracked to get the progress of the task.

Admin Dashboard

Administrators can monitor the dashboard to analyze the total number of answer scripts evaluated, and the total pending evaluations.

Admin Dashboard

Examiner-wise Statistics

You can also monitor examiner-wise answer sheet evaluation. Details reports can be downloaded in Excel, pdf format.

Examiner wise Statistics

11. Moderation of Answer Sheet

As per rules and regulations, a certain number of answer sheets should be moderated after the first level of evaluation done by the examiner. The moderator can log in to the system to start the fresh evaluation of the answer sheet.

The final score of a particular candidate is calculated after taking into consideration the moderator’s analysis. The total score calculation depends on the score of the examiner and the score of the moderator.

12. User Logs

The system maintains detailed log activity like user log-in, logout, location of access, total time taken for a particular evaluation, avg time taken for evaluation of a particular group of answer sheets, and overall internet connection quality during evaluation.

User Logs

Such logs are useful to understand the overall progress and auditing of the entire answer sheet evaluation activity. Students can request for evaluated answer script copy. In this case, you can provide view access right to the student for a certain period of time (1 to 2 weeks).

A student would be emailed with credentials through email in order to view the answer script. Students can view an evaluated copy of the answer script.

The entire workflow becomes easy. All manual administrative processes of physically getting a copy of the answer script, scanning it or taking a print of it and courier to the student are eliminated using the digital answer script checking process

14. Role-Based Access and Security

Onscreen marking role management

The following Roles are supported in the system

A. Admin: This Role has access to the entire features of the system. This user can create multiple accounts for other roles and users

B. Examiner:  This role has access to specific batch/ subject answer sheets for the evaluation. Admin can assign the examiner one or more subjects with a certain number of answer scripts for the evaluation with scheduling.

C. Scanner:  This role has access to the scanning and uploading process of the answer sheet or booklets.

D. Verifier:  This person can verify if answer sheets are scanned and uploaded properly for respective subject name/ subject code/ stream.

E. Moderator:  This person can do verification and re-evaluation of answer sheets which are already being evaluated by the examiner. 

Role Based Access and Security

15. Internal Marks Management

There is a facility available to enter internal marks obtained by the student. It can be useful while generating the result for the student.

Internal Marks Management

16. Result Analysis​

You can do result in analysis using various means like Subject wise analysis, Course wise marks and Ranking, and individual question-wise analysis of the entire batch of students.

The result can also be exported in Excel, pdf format. We also provide API integration to export results into your system.

Result Analysis​

Onscreen marking system would help you to capture the following data

  • Time taken by the examiner for the evaluation of particular answer sheet
  • Question wise Performance of the student and Batch
  • Streamwise performance of the student and Batch
  • Standard Distribution of Marks awarded to the students
  • Faculty wise Performance Based on the Results
  • Course Level Outcome Analysis for Batch/ Individual
  • CourseWise Result Analysis for Batch/ Individual
  • Question Level Outcome Analysis for Batch/ Individual
  • Question Attempted Percent Analysis for Batch/ Individual
Course Level Outcome Analysis Graph
Examiner Evaluation Time Analysis

structured around different categories, each catering to specific administrative and evaluative needs within the academic assessment process. Here’s a summary of each type of report:

Paper Assignment Status Reports

  • Daily Dashboard: Provides daily statistics on examiner evaluation, including total, present, absent, upload counts, and checks for paper evaluations. It supports date range queries and export functionality.
  • Date Wise Paper Check Count: Offers detailed reports based on schedule start and end dates, including subject details, examiner information, and paper check counts with export options.
  • Time Table: Gives detailed subject/date-wise information on assignment status, utilizing color codes to indicate match status for records and columns. This report can be exported to Excel.
  • Answer Sheet Count Details: Shows institute and subject-wise answer sheet counts over a selected date range, including booklet counts and examiner assignments. It allows for detailed and course-wise exports.

Evaluator Wise Reports

  • Email Sending Status Check: Displays email record lists for specified email IDs with export options.
  • Evaluator Analysis: Provides course-wise mark deviation analyses to identify outliers based on set deviation marks.
  • Examinerwise MarksFoil Report: Displays examiner data for paper evaluations with bulk export functionality for examiner reports in zip format.
  • Examiner Schedule Status: Traces schedule updates and status for examiners with subject-wise data and export functionality.
  • Moderator Paper Count: Offers details on booklets assigned to moderators, including status and counts with export options.
  • Third Evaluation: Targets evaluations with a significant mark difference between two evaluators, displaying those candidates eligible for a third evaluation.

Subject Wise Reports

  • Subject Wise Paper Check Count: Covers detailed evaluation data, including examiner and moderator assignments and statuses, with export options.
  • Institute Wise Paper Check Count: Provides evaluation and moderation status for papers, supporting searches by exam ID or subject name.
  • Subject Wise Evaluator Time Analysis: Shows evaluator time analysis with image views and details on paper checking durations.

General Reports

  • Attendance: Records attendance details, including present, absent, and UFM counts with export capability.
  • Blank Page: Details on evaluations marking blank pages with functionalities to mark and unmark seen pages.
  • Rejected: Lists booklets rejected by examiners with rejection details.
  • Remuneration: Offers examiner-wise data for remuneration purposes, including account details and paper counts.
  • UFM (Unfair Means): Shows details on cases marked as Unfair Means by examiners.

Course / Semester Reports

  • Coursewise Result Analysis: Analyzes results by assigned, fail, and pass counts, including pass percentages.
  • Month Wise Assigned Booklet Count: Provides month-wise booklet assignment counts for billing purposes.
  • Semester/Trimester Wise Checking Status: Displays checking status and counts for semesters or trimesters.

AI Report

  • AI Intelligent Reports: Enables the creation of custom reports based on user inputs, with export and save functionality for future use.

These reports collectively facilitate a comprehensive analysis and management of the examination and evaluation process, offering insights into various aspects such as examiner performance, paper checking status, and overall academic integrity through detailed statistical data and analytics.

17. In-camera Evaluation for Secure Remote Checking


Identity verification is a process of verifying that someone is who they claim to be. One way to do this is by using photos captured by a web camera during an evaluation process. This can help to ensure that the same person is evaluating the answer sheets and can help to prevent fraud or cheating.

There are several ways that you can configure your system to capture photos of examiners while they are evaluating answer sheets. One option is to use a web camera that is integrated into the evaluation system, or you can use a separate camera that is positioned to capture images of the examiners as they work.

To set up the camera, you will need to install it and configure it to take photos at regular intervals or when triggered by certain events. You will also need to ensure that the camera has adequate lighting and that the images it captures are of sufficient quality to be used for identity verification purposes.

Once you have set up the camera, you can use the photos it captures to verify the identity of the examiners and ensure that the same person is evaluating the answer sheets throughout the process. This can help to increase the integrity and fairness of the evaluation process and ensure that all students receive a fair and accurate assessment of their performance.

18. Seamless API Integration

API integration of onscreen marking system

Integrating onscreen evaluation with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, such as SAP, or with a third-party system can help to simplify and improve the accuracy of the evaluation process. 

By seamlessly transferring data such as student information, marks awarded, attendance, subjects, and stream, you can streamline your result-generation activity and improve efficiency.

API integration is a key element of this process, as it allows different systems to communicate with each other and exchange data in a standardized format. This can help to ensure that all of the relevant data is accurately transferred and that the evaluation process is as efficient as possible.

In addition to improving efficiency, integrating onscreen evaluation with your ERP or third-party system can also help to increase the accuracy of the process. By automating the transfer of data and eliminating the need for manual data entry, you can reduce the risk of errors and ensure that the results accurately reflect the performance of each student.

Overall, integrating onscreen evaluation with your ERP or third-party system can help to simplify and improve the accuracy of the evaluation process, while also helping to speed up result generation and improve efficiency.

Eklavvya onscreen marking system has been integrated with multiple ERP solutions, SAP, Marksheet Generation Software for seamless result processing.

19. Examiner Remuneration Report

Examiner Remuneration Report

A crucial feature of the on-screen marking system is the efficient calculation of revenue relation reports concerning various examiners. Typically, during the post-examination process, multiple examiners or moderators participate in the evaluation activity and must be compensated based on the number of answer booklets they assess.

The on-screen marking system offers a seamless method for collecting essential details about faculty or examiners, such as their Aadhaar card, bank card, or bank account information, along with personal data required for remuneration calculations and fund updates. Manually determining the total number of answer sheets evaluated by examiners or moderators and allocating the appropriate remuneration can be quite time-consuming.

However, with the on-screen evaluation system, remuneration report calculations can be easily automated, streamlining the process associated with making payments to various examiners once the answer sheet checking process is complete.


In conclusion, onscreen evaluation systems offer a range of features that can benefit Education institutes. From efficient and accurate grading to instant result processing and feedback with customizable reporting, these systems provide a versatile and convenient way to assess student performance and track progress.

Onscreen evaluation systems will become an increasingly important tool for educators and institutions looking to support student learning and success.

A lot of education institutes, universities, and examination authorities are embracing an onscreen marking system in order to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of examination and result processing. It is also helping institutions to gather useful analytics about student performance, faculty performance, and batch performance during the examination process.

Prior to using Eklavvya’s Onscreen Evaluation, our result processing, and examiner checking process were scattered. Eklavvya helped us to streamline it using the online answer sheet checking process.
Now we are able to evaluate more than 100,000 answer sheets in each session. Our result processing has improved drastically due to Eklavvya.

Prof Madhushree Sekher
Dean – School of Vocational Education Tata Institute of Social Sciences

I am extremely happy to have worked with Eklavvya. Their platform was deployed quickly and efficiently, and I was impressed with the level of customization available.

The platform is user-friendly and cost-effective, which made it an excellent choice for our needs.

Although there is room for improvement in their operations, we were satisfied with the overall experience.

The decision to switch to Eklavvya was motivated by the rigidity and lack of user-friendliness of our previous platform, as well as the delayed responses we experienced.

The positive attitude and willingness to help of the Eklavvya team made a significant difference in our experience.

We are thrilled with the partnership and the improved technology and processes that Eklavvya has brought to NMIMS.

Overall, I highly recommend Eklavvya for anyone seeking a reliable and efficient platform.

Ashish Apte

Controller of Examination (NMIMS University)

Ashish Apte NMIMS
