5 Steps to Successfully Administer an Online Subjective Exam


An online subjective exam is a type of exam that requires students to provide written or oral responses to a set of prompts or questions.

Unlike objective exams, which require students to choose the correct answer from a list of options, subjective exams allow students to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding, and critical thinking skills by composing their responses.

Online subjective exams are typically administered through an online platform, which allows students to access the exam from any location with an internet connection.

These exams are often used in higher education settings to evaluate students’ comprehension of course material and their ability to apply their knowledge to real-world situations.

Here is a short video about how to Conduct Online Subjective Exam

Are you looking to convert the traditional theory exam of pen and paper to digital format? 

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There is a technology available for you to get started. There is a facility to conduct subjective exams where the candidate can type an answer for theory questions.

Subjective exams can be used to check the written communication skills and theoretical knowledge of the candidate. You can define subjective questions along with exam patterns. Candidates can log in and click on Start Exam to appear for the exam

Candidates can read exam instructions before starting the exam. The text area is provided for the candidate to type the answer to the question.

As candidate types, the answering system auto-saves the answer. There is a facility to add tables and special symbols.

This way candidate can type an answer and can also insert a table as part of the answer response. It is saved in the system

Copy-paste activity is prevented in the system. If a candidate tries to press the control key then the system throws such a candidate out of the examination window with a warning message.

The candidate needs to resume the exam. If the candidate tries to move away from the examination window to another window, the System shows a warning message and in case of repetitive events, the system suspends the exam of the candidate. You can configure it in the admin panel.

Secure Browser technology prevents the user from opening any other window during online exam activity.

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  • Quicker evaluation of descriptive answers.
  • Achieve more than 90% accuracy.
  • Eliminate bias during evaluation.

The Platform also has a facility to convert voice to text feature so instead of typing long answers candidates can speak the answers. You can refer below video for it

  1. Define Subjective Exam Questions and Exam Pattern
  2. Candidates can attempt the exam by typing answers, adding tables and other symbols
  3. Candidate can also attach images for answer reference
  4. Speech-to-text conversion (useful for candidates with slow typing speed)
  5. The evaluator can log in to evaluate each theory answer and assign marks

Here are steps to evaluate an Online Subjective Exam by the examiner

A short video about using Speech to Text Method during a Subjective Exam

Here are steps to manage the Online Subjective Exam Process

Online Subjective Exam Management Steps

Subjective exams are traditionally conducted using pen and paper-based modes. This process can be time-consuming, especially for the answer sheet checking mechanism. Technology can help to simplify this process.

The subjective exam can be conducted online with the help of 5 steps mentioned below

1. Define Question Bank

You can define the online question bank with the help of eklavvya framework. it provides a structure where you can have multiple subjects, topics, difficulty level attributes for the questions.

It is useful to define question bank as it would act as an input for defining examination pattern.

Automate Question Paper Generation with AI
  • Eliminate question paper leaks.
  • Automate question paper creation process.
  • Manage role-based access to define questions.
  • Generate sets of question papers instantly.
Download Detailed Guide

2. Define Subjective Exam Pattern

Using question bank defined in step 1 you can proceed to define subjective examination pattern.

You can also define the total time for the exam, questions to be included, marks for each question, question navigation, etc. It would define the question paper pattern for the online subjective exam.

3. Assign Exam to Candidates

You can define the exam schedule and assign it to one or more candidates. You can also assign it to batch.

4. Candidate can appear for Subjective exam Online

Candidates can appear for online subjective exam during the defined schedule. Candidate can type answers and use special characters. There is a facility to upload images as part of the answers. Long answers get saved automatically in the system.

5. Examiner can log in and check Answers

Examiners can log in and can view answers typed by the candidates. Examiners can assign marks to each answer. The system would calculate the score accordingly.

All the responses entered by the candidate would be visible for each question.

You can assign marks to an individual question based on the answer. The system would auto calculate the total score of the individual candidate.

In this way, you can easily convert traditional pen and paper-based tests in the online, paperless format.

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  • Quicker evaluation of descriptive answers.
  • Achieve more than 90% accuracy.
  • Eliminate bias during evaluation.