Online Examination System Question Bank Management

Question Bank For Online Exam


Now, almost everything can be done digitally and remotely, be it online grocery shopping or conducting and availing of online learning or anything else for that matter.

Given the disruptive nature of the global pandemic, we have been observing significant shifts in our personal, professional, and societal lives. Similarly, the industry verticals such as healthcare, manufacturing, supply chain, logistics, hospitality, etc. The education ecosystem also has undergone a transformative phase. 

Online exams have become the new normal, and this concept soon got massive approval and adoption by educational institutions as well as organisations looking to get the right talent onboard.

Online examination systems have emerged as the go-to EdTech tools to facilitate online examinations and assessments in a comprehensive, convenient, and cost-effective manner. These play an important role in ensuring that the assessments are conducted in a cheat-free environment. 

Assessment and question banks are integral. Thus, online examination systems come with the online question bank capabilities too. It is a set of questions that are crafted based on the subject, and syllabus topics, which are hosted on an online platform. Being available online, these are easily accessible, anytime, anywhere. 

Eklavvya is a cutting-edge online examination system that comes with an online question bank capability. Several reputed institutions and organisations are already leveraging this platform to make the most of the current learning scenario. 

Simplify Question Generation using AI!
  • Ensure security by eliminating question paper leaks.
  • Automate question paper creation as per syllabus.
  • Manage role-based access to define question bank.
  • Generate multiple sets of question paper instantly.

Next, we will discuss how question banks are managed online, with Eklavvya. 

The Following Diagram specifies the structure of managing your question bank in the online examination system.

Online Examination System Question Bank Management

Subject: It is a top-level entity. If you are considering importing to import English Language Question bank then the top-level entity subject could be named as English.

Please refer step to create a Subject in the System

Topic:  Each Subject can have one or more topics associated with it. If you have a entered top-level entity subject as English then its topic could be Reading Comprehension, Tense, Grammar, Synonyms etc.

Please refer to Step to Create Topics in the System

Difficulty Level 

Each Question can have one of the difficulty levels from 1 to 5.  1 rating is for very easy questions and 5 rating is for very difficult question ratings.


You can also define marks for each question.

Question Bank Structure is helpful while defining a question paper for the online examination using various patterns like Subject/ topics to be included, number of questions to be included, difficulty level associated with question, negative marking etc.

If you are looking for a detailed question paper generation solution then you can refer to this link.

Our solution provides support for defining question banks, generating question papers and distributing of question papers to examination centres.

Book a Free Demo

What does a question bank contain?

As the name suggests, a question bank contains a set of questions based on the subject, and syllabus. Question banks are integral for any examination or assessment purposes. Now, with technological advancements, question banks can be developed, stored, and distributed online through online examination systems.

How does a question bank work?

An online question bank management system allows the instructors to create questions in an automated manner online. The instructor can select and set up questions based on the subject, skills that need to be assessed, difficulty levels, and other parameters. 

What is the importance of question banks?

Question setting is a crucial part of learning and assessment. When done manually, the instructor has to spend a lot of time coming up with relevant questions. Besides, it requires logistics, and infrastructure investments too. An online question bank can be developed and hosted online, offering unprecedented access to the stakeholders; it is cost-effective and convenient too. 

How many questions are there in a question bank?

The number of questions in a question bank is dynamic. It depends on the subject, syllabus, mode and nature of the exam, and other key parameters. 

It was a wonderful experience with Eklavvya for the last 3 years about managing the ASSI online entrance examination. I would like to thank you and your team for your efforts and support. It was a well-organized exam and the ASSI Executive truly appreciated it.

Dr. Saumyajit Basu
Association of Spine Surgeons India

Thanks, Splashgain for Providing Professional Service in conducting the high-stakes entrance exam of NICMAR. The Eklavvya platform helped us with remote invigilation, and recording of entire exam sessions with audio/ video/ screen activity monitoring with advanced proctoring solution. Applicants from all across India were able to appear for proctored admission entrance without any kind of difficulty.

Dr. Jonardan Koner
Dr. Jonardan Koner
Dean Admissions NICMAR
