Online Examination: Manage Descriptive or Online Subjective Exams

Subjective Online Exam

What is a subjective online exam?

Subjective exams are a type of assessment that require candidates to provide written responses to questions that are designed to evaluate their knowledge, understanding, and ability to apply their learning.

These exams often include open-ended questions that require candidates to provide detailed, well-reasoned answers that demonstrate their critical thinking skills.

Traditionally, subjective exams were conducted using pen and paper, with answers being handwritten by the candidates and then evaluated by a teacher or examiner. However, with the advent of technology, it is now possible to conduct subjective exams online using online examination platforms. 

This has made it easier and more efficient to administer, evaluate, and grade subjective exams, as the online platform can automatically grade responses based on predefined criteria.

Overall, subjective exams are an effective way to assess a candidate’s knowledge and skills, and the ability to conduct them online has made them even more convenient and efficient.

Let us see how these subjective online exams are conducted and evaluated.

How can you create an online subjective exam?

Creating a subjective online exam might seem like a difficult task. But with the help of the latest technology it can be done in a few simple steps.

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What are the features of online subjective exams?

Subjective online exams are a convenient and efficient way to assess a candidate’s knowledge and critical thinking skills. These exams use online examination platforms that provide a range of features to enhance the exam experience for both the candidate and the examiner.

One of the key features of subjective online exams is the ability to use speech-to-text conversion. This allows candidates to dictate their answers using a microphone, which is then automatically transcribed into written text by the online platform. This can be especially useful for candidates who struggle with handwriting or for exams that require a large amount of writing.

Another useful feature of subjective online exams is the ability to add symbols and diagrams. This can be especially useful for exams that require candidates to explain complex concepts or ideas, as diagrams and other visual aids can help to clarify and reinforce the written explanations.

In addition, online examination platforms also provide onscreen evaluation tools that allow examiners to quickly and accurately grade subjective answers. These tools typically use predefined criteria to automatically grade responses, which can save time and ensure consistency in the grading process.

Overall, the features of subjective online exams make them a convenient and efficient way to assess a candidate’s knowledge and critical thinking skills.

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How can you add subjective questions to an online exam?

The Subjective questions can be added by using the feature of Question Bank Manager. Here are a few steps in which you can easily add new questions to the already existing set of questions in the Question Bank.

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How can you edit subjective questions in an online exam?

The Subjective questions can be edited by using the same feature of Question Bank Manager. Here are a few steps which can help you to easily edit the existing questions in the Question Bank.

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How can you deactivate a question from a subjective online exam?

The feature comes in handy when a question needs to be removed from the set of questions so that it does not appear in the exam. The steps to deactivate a question using the Question Bank Manager feature are mentioned.

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How can you implement a subjective exam?

Implementation of a subjective exam can be after defining questions in the Question Bank. Here are the steps which can followed to implement the subjective exam.

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How can you define an exam which is a combination of both subjective and objective questions?

This feature is useful if an online exam needs to include questions of both types – objective as well as subjective. The steps to create such a combination exam is as below.

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How can you conduct subjective exams in an online mode?

Subjective online exams offer many features which can make is easier to type long answers, add mathematical symbols, attach diagrams, etc. Thus, conducting subjective online exams can become a simple task if the below steps are followed.

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How can the examiner/moderator check the answer sheets?

Onscreen Evaluation is one of the key features of subjective online exams. This feature enables the examiners or moderators to check the answer sheet from any remote location. 

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How to do auto evaluation of decriptive answers ?

Using AI and Machine learning, it is possible to auto evaluate typed descriptive answers.

Auto-assess Descriptive Tests using AI!
  • Quicker evaluation of descriptive answers.
  • Achieve more than 90% accuracy.
  • Eliminate bias during evaluation.

How can you check the results of subjective online exam?

The results of the subjective online exams can be viewed in an online mode after the evaluation of answer sheets is complete. The steps to check these results are as mentioned below.

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What are the advantages of adopting onscreen answer sheet evaluation platform?

The feature of Onscreen Evaluation offers many different options which helps the examiners to evaluate the answer sheets without any hassle. This further helps to reduce the time required to check the answers and thus accelerates the process of result generation.

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Simplify Answersheet Checking with Onscreen Evaluation
  • Eliminate manual answersheet checking.
  • Check answersheets from any location.
  • Automate result processing using technology.
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