We have facility to define exam having questions with multiple correct answers. User can select one or more answers as correct out of possible 4 or 5 choices provided for the question.
During Objective Question Creation you need to select IsMulti Select option and enter marks for each correct option.
Following logic is applied for marking Scheme of Multi Select Answer Option
In case of particular question Answer Option 1 and 3 Are correct and total marks allotted to Question is 2
- User Selects Option 1 and 2 : User gets 1 mark for correctly selecting option No 1
- User selects Option 1 and 3: User gets full 2 marks for correctly selecting both correct option
- User selects Option 2 and 3 :User gets 1 mark for correctly selecting option No 3
- User Selects Option 2 and 4: User gets zero marks for incorrect selection
- User selects Option 1 , 2 and 3 : User gets zero marks for over selecting incorrect options
- User selects Option 1, 2 , 3 and 4: User gets zero marks for over selecting incorrect options