One of the leading Govt controlled Education Institutes has successfully conducted Online Examinations using the Remote Proctoring Technology of the Eklavvya platform.
Institute has a highly rated executive MBA course. This course is preferred by many working professionals not only from India but from across the globe. Institute wanted to conduct an entrance examination for the eligible applicants for this course. The traditional examination approach was not suitable as candidates are situated across multiple cities and multiple countries.
Proctored Assessments using Eklavvya
1. Institute evaluated multiple platforms and found Eklavvya services most suitable for conducting remote online exams with the proctoring approach.
2. Hundreds of candidates were provided login credentials and exam timing according to their time zones.
3. Each candidate Appeared for the exam with the remote proctor monitoring the exam process to ensure authenticity and authorization of the process. Each candidate was assigned a proctor for the smooth execution of the exam process. There was ratio of 1:15. e.g. for 15 candidates, there was 1 proctor monitoring the process.
4. Identity cards of the remote candidate were verified prior to the start of the online exam using the remote authentication feature of Eklavvya.

5. Authorised candidates were allowed to appear for the entrance exam. Proctor was able to pause the exam in case of suspicious activity found during the exam process.
6. Using Video streaming and Analysis process, the system was able to monitor remote candidates appearing for the exam.

Advantages of Remote Proctoring
A. Entire Process is conducted in a professional manner, with the result of the exam generated instantly after exam completion.
B. Remote candidates were able to appear for the exam from their own city and location.
C. Entire cost of logistics for such a high stake exam was reduced using technology.
- Importance of Remote Proctoring
- Role of AI in Remote Proctoring
- How AI helps to eliminate cheating?
- Why is it essential during online exams?