Do you manage coaching institute to train students for competitive exams for school,colleges or higher education ?
Do you want to automate test series for your students ?
In this case study, discover how National School of Banking ( one of the leading Training Institute of India) has simplified student preparation for banking exams using Eklavvya platform.
Article Contents
Meet National School of Banking
National School of Banking is one of the leading institutes coaching students to prepare for various competitive exams of banking like Bank PO.

NSB has more than 12 centers across India at multiple locations. Each year thousands of students get trained and selected for various banking positions across multiple financial institutions.
NSB has various types of courses targeted to students who want to succeed in banking competitive exams or Entrance Exams
- Correspondence Course
- Classroom Based Courses
- Digital / Online Courses
NSB has students located across India with many walkin students and online student base. NSB wanted to use technology to manage such a large student base and provide standardized and personalized test series which can help individual students.
Individual students should be able to study with their pace and understanding and get regular feedback about their performance.
Student Enrollment
Student enrollment was manual with physical form filling.
It was automated with online registration process. Students can register online on the website , fill online form , make course fee payment using credit/ debit card, netbanking, wallets, UPI etc.

Upon confirmation of payment, each individual get credentials to access to online test series of the respective course enrolled.

Practice Exams
Each practice Mock Test is as per criteria, syllabus defined by the respective banking exams. Students can start exam, pause exam, resume exam and complete it in predefined time.
Each individual can get detailed analysis, percentile score, ranking and question-wise performance of the test. It helps students to know their weak areas or areas where study is required.
Analysis of Each Assessment

Each student also get to know section-wise time spent to understand pace of solving various questions from different sections.
- NSB was able to automate, simplify student enrollment and mock test series implementation across each training center.
- Each training center was provided login to track performance of the individual student as well as for entire batch
- NSB was able to track overall progress of the students located across multiple training centers. It was not possible in traditional approach
- Student satisfaction increased as they were able to appear for online mock tests using their computer, mobile or tablet devices.
NSB was able to scale up their operations along with significant save in cost of operations and online mock test series. This is feedback from National School of Banking
We are very satisfied with the services of Splashgain Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd., who have been providing excellent service to us through their products like Eklavvya. They are prompt and efficient in their dealings with us and have always provided the best solutions to all our problems.
Mugdha Waingankar

General Manager