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What is micro-training?
The employees need to keep updating their knowledge from time to time. They need to upgrade themselves to keep in pace with the changing technology.
But striking a balance between work and education or training is the biggest challenge faced by these employees. The employees already have a tight schedule due to the deadline which they need to meet. All of this makes it difficult for them to contribute time for studies and learning.
Micro-training includes conducting training in fragments. The span of the training session is kept as short as 15-20 minutes. Every training session is considered as a unit which the employees can complete at his/her own convenience. This approach of micro-learning aims to help the employees to manage their work and training sessions simultaneously without affecting their physical health.
Micro-training certainly has many advantages and a few disadvantages. Let us have a look at them.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of micro-training?

Advantages of micro-training
• Improved productivity
Micro-training helps the employees to pursue the training courses in fragments. The employees can take up a unit of the course during or after their work hours. The shorter length of courses helps them to focus on the training.
The employees can get back to their work immediately after that particular unit of training is completed. They are able to focus on both simultaneously as micro-training helps to eliminate the monotony caused by either long working hours or long training courses which in turn help to boost the productivity.
• Accessibility and convenience
Micro-training courses are usually conducted in an online mode. The employees can take up a course during breaks, after work hours, while travelling, on weekends, etc. Also they are not specific to any area or geographical location.
Micro-training includes courses which are mobile-friendly as well. They can be pursued on any internet based device in an online or offline mode. Thus, these courses can be accessed by the employees from anywhere and anytime they wish.
• Improves capacity to retain and recall
Due to the reduction in the time span of the training courses, the employees do not feel pressurised to complete the course in one sitting. They can easily remain focused on the training and assimilate the knowledge.
The employees do not feel anxious or get bored of learning. All this helps them to retain more knowledge which they acquired from the training courses as also recall it while working or giving examinations.
• Encourages engagement and motivation
The employees can refer to or go through the training course whenever they feel the need for it. They can watch the courses to troubleshoot the errors or find solutions to their issues.
This automatically increases the employee engagement in micro-training. This also motivates them to take up more such training courses and keep updating their knowledge.
• Cost effective and time saving
Micro-training certainly helps to save the time which employees spend on training courses. They are able to manage their time efficiently and contribute adequately to the training as well as work.
This ultimately helps the organization to save the time by increasing the employee skill set and not affecting their overall employee productivity. In the big picture, as the productivity remains unaffected, the incoming revenue in the organization remains unaffected.
Another reason for the organizations to adopt micro-training is its online approach. This also helps the organizations to save their costs invested on infrastructure, faculty allocation, and offline examination conduction. Thus, micro-training helps to save both time and cost investments.

Disadvantages of micro-training
• Not suitable for comprehensive training courses
Some training courses are extensive as they are based on bigger concepts. It can get difficult to squeeze topics which need an elaborate explanation in a short video.
Thus, the certification courses or the courses which include many small and big tests or the courses which are created to teach a particular computer language or technology as also cannot follow the approach of micro-training.
• Fragmentation might lead to confusions
Micro-training relies on bite sized learning. Division of every course in a limited time –span leads to cutting off of the important topics in between or not explaining the complex topics as much as required for better understanding.
The employees who are taking up such courses might find this sort of fragmentation confusing. They may feel the need to receive more explanation about a complex topic which they would not be able to get from that unit of course.
• Not suitable for long term goals
The courses included in micro-training do not teach any topic in depth. It does not include steps, details, assignments, etc. related to any topic.
The approach of micro-training might prove useful to address issues in a day-to-day basis but not the best match when it comes to achieving long term goals.

How do the employees get benefitted from micro-training?
Micro-training courses are designed in a way so as to summarize the crucial topics in a limited time span. These courses are short and very informative.
These courses help the employees to learn and gain more and in-depth knowledge related to the work they do on daily basis. Thus, the knowledge gaps are filled without compromising their work.
The organizations can create course libraries which would be accessible to the employees at any time. This way, the employees would be able to quickly access the course which they need at that point of time.
The micro-training courses help to reduce the cognitive overload and the employees would not feel the pressure of completing the entire course in one go. They would also learn to make the best use of the resources available to them.
Thus, micro-training is beneficial to the employees as well as the organizations in many different ways. It is definitely one of the best ways to achieve on-the-job training for the every employee who wishes to learn and earn simultaneously.
Final thoughts
Micro-training includes conducting small tests at the end of every unit. These tests can be conducted in an online mode after the completion of the course. Conducting the tests in the online mode provides an extra advantage to the employees as these online tests help the employees to appear for them at their own convenience just like the courses.
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