Eklavvya supports the conduction of “Programming / Coding test”, these tests are designed in order to check the coding ability of the candidate for certain job roles. Coding tests can be employed for practical examinations of colleges as well. These tests are designed in such a way that the candidate needs to answer a MCQ question, then give the code for getting the correct answer.
The questions designed for such a test can be imported in the Eklavvya system and can be edited, updated and used for creating examinations based on these questions.
Here is how you can manage the “programming question bank” in Eklavvya
Step 1
Login as the superadmin/ manager/ exam administrator or subject expert in the Eklavvya system
(Note: The superadmin/ manager/ exam administrator can have access to all the questions but the subject experts can only access the questions of subject assigned to them, Click here to know more about Eklavvya user roles)
Step 2
Click on “question bank” tab and then click on “Programming questions” button on the left hand side menu of Eklavvya
Step 3
Now select the subject and topic under which the programming questions are imported to review those.
Step 4
Once the subject and topic is selected, all the programming questions imported under the selected subject and topic will be shown.
Step 5
These questions can be previewed as question bank in PDF format, the individual question can be previewed, if any changes in the questions are required, those changes can be made by clicking on the edit button
This way, the programming questions can be efficiently managed using the “Programming questions” feature of Eklavvya