Why Eklavvya for Skill Assessment ?
Eklavvya is a highly reputed
No #1 rated skill assessment platform.
Set up your Skill Tests and get started instantly.
Evaluate Coding, Aptitude , Domain, Communication, Writing Skills
Integrate with your LMS or any Enterprise System
Conduct Remote Hiring Interviews with Recording and Evaluation
ISO Certified Secure Platform for Skill Assessment
Adopted in 15+ countries with Success
Experience in Managing 30 million+ proctored assessments
Award-winning support
Book your Free Demo of
Skill Assessment for Corporate
Trusted by 500+ Customers Worldwide

Why Eklavvya for Skill Assessment?
Eklavvya is a highly reputed
No #1 rated skill assessment platform.
Set up your Skill Tests and get started instantly.
Evaluate Coding, Aptitude , Domain, Communication, Writing Skills
Integrate with your LMS or any Enterprise System
Conduct Remote Hiring Interviews with Recording and Evaluation
ISO Certified Secure Platform for Skill Assessment
Adopted in 15+ countries with Success
Experience in Managing 30 million+ proctored assessments
Award-winning support
Trusted by 500+ Customers Worldwide