5 Things to Do to Prevent Cheating During Online Examinations

Prevent Cheating During Online Examinations


One of the major concerns of institutes while conducting online exams is the potential for cheating due to the lack of human invigilation. This issue is part of a broader problem of academic dishonesty, which includes various forms of cheating and unethical behavior in educational settings.

However, the use of technology in online exams offers a range of features and tools that can help prevent cheating and ensure the integrity of the exam.

One of the advantages of online exams is the ability to use AI proctoring and other monitoring techniques to detect and prevent cheating. These systems can provide real-time analysis of student behaviour during the exam, alerting educators to any suspicious activity and allowing them to take appropriate action.

In addition, online exams can also use security measures such as authentication and encryption to protect the exam from unauthorized access and ensure the confidentiality of the exam material. This can help prevent students from sharing exam answers or accessing unauthorized resources during the exam.

Overall, while there will always be the risk of cheating in any exam, online exams offer a range of features and tools that can help prevent and mitigate the risks of malpractice.

By using technology to enhance the security and integrity of online exams, institutes can help ensure that exams are fair and accurately reflect student performance.

There are several reasons why students might cheat during online exams. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • The desire to get a better grade or score on the exam
  • The feeling of pressure to perform well on the exam, either from themselves or from others
  • The belief that cheating is acceptable or even expected in certain situations
  • The lack of understanding about the consequences of cheating and the importance of academic integrity
  • The belief that it is easy to cheat during an online exam without getting caught

Overall, the reasons for cheating during online exams are complex and can vary from student to student. 

However, a common factor is a desire to achieve a desired outcome without putting in the necessary effort or following the rules. 

By addressing these underlying motivations and promoting academic integrity, educators and institutions can help prevent cheating during online exams.

Why do students cheat during online exams?

There are several reasons why students might cheat during online exams. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • The desire to get a better grade or score on the exam
  • The feeling of pressure to perform well on the exam, either from themselves or from others
  • The belief that cheating is acceptable or even expected in certain situations
  • The lack of understanding about the consequences of cheating and the importance of academic integrity
  • The belief that it is easy to cheat during an online exam without getting caught

Overall, the reasons for cheating during online exams are complex and can vary from student to student. However, a common factor is a desire to achieve a desired outcome without putting in the necessary effort or following the rules. Institutions often have clear policies on the repercussions for being caught cheating, which can include failing the exam or facing disciplinary action.

By addressing these underlying motivations and promoting academic integrity, educators and institutions can help prevent cheating during online exams.

Types of Remote Proctoring

1. Live online proctoring

In this type of remote proctoring, a proctor is assessing the candidate in real time via webcam, mic and access to the device’s screen. 

2. Recorded proctoring

In this method, no proctor is assessing the candidate in real-time. The audio-video feed for the duration of the test is recorded. A proctor later goes through this feed and flags any malpractices noticed.

3. Automated Proctoring

In this type, there is no or minimal need for manpower. An automated system is programmed to monitor the candidate, detect and flag any malpractices. 

Secure Online Exam Proctoring with AI!
  • Importance of Remote Proctoring
  • Role of AI in Remote Proctoring
  • How AI helps to eliminate cheating?
  • Why is it essential during online exams?
Download Detailed Guide

4. 360 Degree Proctoring

In this type of proctoring 2 way streaming is used to get a 360-degree view of the candidate during the online exam. You can see entire room or environment around the candidate with 2 cameras streaming

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  • Working of 360-degree Proctoring
  • Enhancing exam security with multiple angles
  • Comprehensive monitoring of candidate’s environment
  • Why is it essential during online exams?
Download Detailed Guide

Here are the steps which are taken to prevent cheating in online exams:

Steps to Prevent Cheating in Online Exams

1. Secure Browser

Security is an important aspect of the exam. A feature during the online examination process prevents the opening of another window or tab on the browser.

Secure Browser Technology prevents users from opening any other window while the online examination process is going on. The user is allowed to access only the examination window.

Access to keyboard shortcuts for copy, paste and screen capture is completely prevented.

When a candidate tries to open a new window, an alert is flashed which asks the candidate to revert to the exam window.

Warning Alert

After 3 such alerts, the exam is terminated. It is also possible to customize this approach and the exam is terminated immediately after the candidate tries to open a new window.

Secure or Safe Browser can also be used to conduct remote exams. A safe browser is an exe file which is used to launch an online exam. It has many advanced features which can be helpful to conduct remote exams without any kind of cheating.

Features of Secure Browser APP

  • Prevent HDMI Cable extensions
  • Kill background screen sharing applications with ease
  • Prevent unauthorized access to exams using remote logins
  • Prevent users from opening any other background recording applications
  • Facility to keep exam window always on top
  • White list required application so that you can switch windows (e,g Excel for accounts calculation, R Programing app for analysis)

How does safe exam browser detect cheating ?

Safe Exam browser can help you to configure allowed applications during the exam. If your exam requires excel based calculations then you may allow excel application access during online exam. Safe Exam Browser configures application access accordingly.

Safe exam browser prevents users from connecting additional screen extensions during the exam to prevent cheating.

Safe Exam browser does not allow users to perform any other activity during the exam process. It is an open source browser specifically designed to conduct secure online exam activity.

2. Remote Proctoring

Features of Remote Proctoring

Remote Proctoring is a proctoring process in which a physical proctor is not required to be present in the room where the online exam is being conducted.

In a remote proctored test, candidates are monitored for the duration of the test via webcam, mic and access to the screen of the candidate’s device.

To take such a test the candidate needs:

  1. A suitable device such as a desktop PC, laptop, mobile phone, or tablet.
  2. Access to the internet.
  3. A functioning webcam and mike.

The following process takes place when a candidate appears for a remote proctored test:

  1. Candidate Identity Verification: The identity of the Candidate is verified by Remote Proctor.
  2. The candidate is Allowed to Appear for Online Exam: Upon identity, verification Candidate appears for the online exam.
  3. Images and Video Capturing: Images and Videos of the Candidate are captured using a Web camera Attached.
  4. Auto Proctoring: Auto Proctoring keeps track of key events of candidate movement, mobile phone usage, and suspicious audio to monitor the exam process. 

Proctors can view live streaming of candidates attempting the exam.

While remote proctoring is not a totally new concept, 360-degree proctoring is something to which the majority of the institutes are not yet introduced. 360-degree proctoring is a cutting-edge reliable solution for administering online exams remotely without the fear of cheating.

It uses a dual-camera streaming ability to capture a complete view of the test taker’s environment and identity throughout the entire testing session. This ensures a high level of security and helps to eradicate the possibility of cheating or any malpractice by enabling the invigilator to monitor the premises around the candidate.

360-degree proctoring is one of the most advanced and innovative remote invigilation techniques that can enhance the quality and credibility of online exams.


3. Object Detection during Online Exam

AI Proctoring can also help in detecting objects like mobile phone usage during online exams.

Object Detection with AI

4. Remote Candidate Authentication

Remote Authentication

Candidate authentication is one of the primary steps of an online exam. The first step in an online examination is the verification of a candidate’s identity. For many institutes, a major concern while switching over to online exams is the authentication of the candidate’s identity.

Impersonation is one of the major forms of malpractice which take place in both online and offline examinations.

Eklavvya answers these concerns with its candidate verification system. It follows the following steps:

  1. Candidate logs in to the system using valid credentials.
  2. On Successful Login, the candidate is asked to enter a valid identity card number in the system
  3. The system then validates this identity card number with the details provided during registration. For example, if the candidate has submitted their PAN number while registration, then the system will compare the entered details with the records available.
  4. After the entered details are verified, candidates need to show their, say, PAN card to the remote proctor for verification.
  5. If the identity is not valid then the remote proctor may reject it. The candidate will have to redo the process of showing his/her ID to a remote proctor. 
  6. Only after the identity of the candidate is verified he/she is allowed to appear for the exam. The candidate activity is continuously streamed to a remote proctor for the duration of the online exam. The exam screen is also locked and the candidate cannot open a new window on the browser.
  7. Proctor can initiate a live chat with the candidate.
  8. The candidate can appear for the exam within the specified exam timeline. A remote proctor can monitor it and the system also records the duration of the online exam. This video recording of the candidate’s activity is available for auditing.
Identity Verification

5. Data Encryption During Transit

Eklavvya Online examination system’s data has been encrypted to prevent any kind of misuse. Question Bank and exam data are stored in a highly secure and encrypted manner.

Data encryption plays an important role in preventing unauthorized access to question banks. It also helps to avoid result manipulation and blocks access without valid credentials. It is a vital feature to ensure the security of the examination.

The entire communication between the server and the examination client is also encrypted with a secure mode of communication. High-level encryption algorithms are used to encode the data which cannot be decoded easily.

This ensures the confidentiality of the question papers being exchanged between the server and the client. The decoding can be done only by authorized personnel. This assures the security of the examination data to its maximum.

6. Exam Timer for Each Question

Some institutes conduct exams which have stipulated a time duration for each section or each question in the exam. Eklavvya provides a facility to set a timer for each question of the exam. In such a case, the candidate is unable to navigate questions.

A specific sequence must be followed while appearing for the exam. Each question will be allotted a specified time of e.g. 30 seconds/ 45 seconds/ 60 seconds for the attempt. If the candidate is unable to attempt the question in the specified time, the system moves on to the next question.

Here is one of the success stories of the leading university which prevented cheating during the online exam process with the help of a per question timer.

Bonus Tip: Online Exam Questions Strategy

Here are some strategies that educators and institutions can use to define online exam questions in order to prevent cheating:

  • Use randomised question order and answer options. This can help prevent students from sharing answers or using other forms of collusion, as each student will receive a different version of the exam.
  • Use open-ended or essay questions that require students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding, rather than simply selecting a correct answer from a list. This can make it more difficult for students to cheat, as they will need to generate their own answers rather than copying them from elsewhere.
  • Use adaptive or personalized testing, where the exam questions are tailored to each student’s abilities and performance. This can help prevent students from sharing answers, as each student will receive a unique set of exam questions based on their individual level of knowledge and understanding.
  • Use strict security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the exam and protect the confidentiality of the exam material. This might include things like password protection, encryption, and other technical safeguards to prevent students from sharing exam answers or accessing unauthorized resources during the exam.
  • Educate students on the importance of academic integrity and the consequences of cheating. Let students know that cheating is not tolerated and that they will be held accountable for their actions. This can help prevent students from attempting to cheat, as they will be aware of the potential consequences of their actions.

Addressing the Psychological Drivers of Cheating

It’s essential to understand the deeper psychological and societal pressures that drive such behaviors. By recognizing these underlying motivations, educational institutions can develop more targeted strategies to discourage cheating. For instance, addressing performance anxiety or the fear of failure can help students approach exams with confidence and integrity.

The Ethical Side of AI Proctoring

As we embrace advanced technologies like AI proctoring, it’s crucial to consider the ethical implications. While these tools offer enhanced monitoring, they also raise concerns about student privacy and data security. Institutions must ensure that while using such technologies, the privacy rights of students are not compromised. Transparent communication about how data is used and stored can alleviate student concerns.

Exploring Alternative Assessment Methods

Traditional exams, whether online or offline, might not be the only way to gauge a student’s understanding. Alternative assessment methods, such as project-based evaluations or open-book exams, can reduce the temptation to cheat.

These methods not only test knowledge but also skills like critical thinking, research, and application. By diversifying assessment methods, institutions can offer a more holistic evaluation of a student’s capabilities.

Gathering Student Feedback on Online Proctoring

To make online proctored exams more effective and student-friendly, institutions should consider gathering feedback from those who’ve experienced it. Understanding student perspectives can offer insights into potential areas of improvement.

For instance, some students might find certain proctoring measures intrusive or anxiety-inducing. By addressing these concerns, institutions can make the online exam experience more comfortable for everyone.

Promoting a Culture of Integrity

Beyond technological solutions, fostering a culture of honesty and integrity is paramount. Workshops, courses, or awareness campaigns emphasizing the value of genuine learning over mere grades can instill a sense of pride in academic honesty. When students understand the long-term benefits of authentic learning, they are less likely to resort to shortcuts like cheating.

Using Generative AI to Conduct Online Exams

You can use Generative AI to conduct online exams. In this setting, users are presented with questions related to a specific case study, topic, or scenario, and they need to respond by typing their answers. Based on the answers provided, the Generative AI system will pose subsequent questions tailored to the candidate.


The candidate’s responses then guide the AI in formulating further inquiries. Upon completion of the interaction, the system provides a unique rating or feedback for the user. The questions asked are personalized and unique, ensuring they are not available on the internet or elsewhere.

This customization even applies when two candidates are sitting next to each other; each will receive different questions because the Generative AI considers the context and responses of each user. This approach enables the conduct of a distinctive exam for each student, effectively helping to prevent cheating

By following these strategies, educators and institutions can define online exam questions that are effective, engaging, and difficult to cheat on. This can help promote academic integrity and ensure the fairness and validity of online exams.

Open Book Test Strategy

If you are conducting remote online exams and wish to prevent cheating, there is an effective approach you can consider: conducting open book exams. Typically, open book exams are designed to assess conceptual understanding and the practical application of knowledge for any given subject or topic.

Open book tests

Instead of focusing on questions that test memorization, such as definition-based or formula-based questions, open book exams can be structured to evaluate a candidate’s practical abilities and problem-solving skills. These exams require candidates to demonstrate their thinking and analytical capabilities while responding to questions.

In a remote environment, candidates can refer to books or notes while attempting the exam, ensuring the questions are framed in a way that assesses practical knowledge and problem-solving skills. This approach encourages the application of learned concepts to real-world scenarios, making it difficult for candidates to rely solely on rote memorization or cheat during the examination process.

By designing an open book test with these principles, you can effectively minimize the chances of cheating in remote online examinations, ensuring a more accurate assessment of a candidate’s true abilities and knowledge.

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