While Defining Online Exam there is an option of selecting 3 types of Schedule
1.Flexi Schedule : each exam would have variable schedule window.e.g. If you have exam start time as 10 AM , you can set exam window for more than 1 hour or 3-4 days as well. Candidate can appear for the exam during that window at any point of time. Candidate would get full 60 minutes due to variable window time of the exam.
2.Fixed schedule option In this case each exam would have fix schedule window. e.g. If you have defined exam of 60 minutes and exam start time is 10 AM then exam would forcefully end at 11 AM. If candidate logs in and starts exam at 10:15 AM then he/ she would have only 45 minutes to complete the exam.
3.Flexi Schedule with Fixed Exam The Start time of the candidate is recorded and the Exam time will be fixed as defined while creation. e.g. if exam time window is for 4 days and candidate starts exam at 10 AM for 60 minutes exam then exam finish time would be 11 AM even if candidate is disconnected for sometime during the exam.