Efficiently Generate Question Papers with “These” Amazing Features of Eklavvya

Question Paper Generation Software and technology

Sorting Questions is tedious

Question paper generation using Eklavvya

When it comes to conducting examinations, the most important aspect is to think about the question paper. What would be the pattern of examinations, how many questions, of what difficulty level?. Less or more it is a lengthy process to extract and identify the questions to ask in examination.

As a paper setter, you may need to create 100 questions with different difficulty levels, subjects, and topics. In the manual handling of question banks, you may need to sort and resort to these questions according to the need of the examination; again, this is a lengthy and tedious process.

Creating a question paper is an important, lengthy and attention-demanding process

Once these questions are sorted, the next step demands creating a question paper with these questions, paper setters create multiple question paper sets considering the importance and weightage of topics and subjects, these sets are sent for approval and one set is chosen, this step, again, takes a lot of time.

But the good news is that “We can automate the process of question paper generation

Question question generation automation

The time in sorting questions and creating different question paper sets is a “processing time”, which is unnecessary but the inevitable part of the process, after all, the questions and question paper pattern is important.

We completely understand and agree that selecting the questions, and defining the exam pattern and question paper is important, but are you aware that this time in sorting the questions and creating a new question paper can be significantly reduced?

Automate Question Paper Generation with AI
  • Eliminate question paper leaks.
  • Automate question paper creation process.
  • Manage role-based access to define questions.
  • Generate sets of question papers instantly.
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