Welcome to our Video Library
This video library provides useful guides on how to use Eklavvya online examination system. You can conduct various types of online tests using Eklavvya. This Library has useful videos which shows detailed functionality.
Coding Skill Test
AI Document Verification
AI in Education
Proctored Online Exams
Eklavvya-Exam Security

How to Conduct an Assessment for a Coding Skill?
Eklavvya presents an online exam platform that offers extensive coding tests in a proctored environment.

Steps to Define Online Coding Questions | Eklavvya
Explore steps to conduct coding skill assessment in C, C++, Java, C#, Python, Javascript, Go, and PHP.

Steps to Attempt Online Coding Test
Check out the step-by-step process to conduct the online coding skill assessment in C, C++, Java, C#, Python, Javascript, Go, and PHP.