Why Proctored Assessments Are Becoming Popular in Corporates

Remote Proctored Hiring Assessment


Social distancing and remote working environments are driven by remote assessments during hiring. Organizations are increasingly adopting new techniques and ways to simplify and improve the accuracy of the hiring process.

No wonder proctored exams are becoming increasingly popular for many corporate training and development programs. They provide a secure environment for test takers to get the best results. Proctors can watch test-takers screens to ensure they’re focusing. They can also monitor their behavior by receiving alerts for any behavior that’s considered unacceptable. A video system analyzes students’ movements, and if a student looks away from the screen, they are flagged as a suspect.

Remote hiring has turned out to be possible with the help of AI remote proctoring specially designed for the purpose of remote online aptitude tests, online interviews, and psychometric tests.

Remote hiring has many advantages over conventional ways of hiring like reduced infrastructure cost, better accessibility, and wider candidate reach to count a few.

Majority of the companies are building the digital infrastructure to support the remote hiring process

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Here are the top features which are making proctored exams easy to manage-

1) Registration Automation:

Candidates can do online registration where API would integrate the assessment process with it. Candidates would be auto-assigned suitable online tests based on their profile and skill requirements.

Initial screening of the candidates can be easily achieved with the auto-assignment of specific skill-based assessment

2) Efficient Candidate screening:

The aptitude tests (Pre-interview/Screening tests) are nowadays streamlined using online channels, The online assessment portal has come up with newer adaptive technologies to simplify the assessment process.

By virtue, of features like AI-based proctoring, remote human proctoring, candidate audio and video recording, candidate screen recording, and candidate log recording; Online assessment has become a reliable channel; making the corporates prefer online assessments over conventional ones.

You can also conduct an online coding test for hiring a person for a software development role profile. Such tests can help to evaluate the coding skills of the candidate

3) Reduced manual interference

Automation comes with digitalization; In this case, as we streamline the registration, assessment and onboarding process, the manual interference gets reduced significantly. 

The activities that can be streamlined are-

  1. Candidate Registration
  2. Candidate screening
  3. Communication
  4. Assessment 
  5. Bulk audio or video interviews

4) Transparency in the hiring process:

The process of hiring becomes more transparent and reliable. The records of the candidates such as assessment recordings, and their results can be stored as long as needed. 

Also, reduced manual interference makes the process error-free.

With digital hiring, not only are the managerial tasks streamlined, but also the candidates find the hiring process unbiased and impartial.

5) Wider candidate reach:

When the hiring process is totally online, you can more efficiently reach the potential candidates to get your job done. This allows you to get over the geographical boundaries which are one of the major obstacles when it comes to talent acquisition.

No wonder many organizations are now hiring foreign candidates for job profiles.

6) Bulk interview:

When it comes to interviewing 100s of candidates in a day, the interviewer may find it a very tedious task. The bulk interview is a relatively new concept that allows you to record the answers given by the candidate to the pre-defined set of questions.

The interviewer sets the questions, these questions are sent to the candidates selected for the interview. Once the candidate logs in; the questions get displayed to the candidates, The answers given by the candidates are recorded in the system.

Based on the recorded answers, Interviewer can digitally evaluate the candidates through the web portal at their time convenience. Additionally, the candidates need not visit the corporate office for the interview.

7) Reduced hiring cost and faster process

From the managerial point of view, Digital platforms reduce the cost of the page, pen and printing cost to human resources.

Candidates do not have to travel for the interview, which helps them to save time as well as money.

While the traditional method of proctored exams has been popular for years in corporate training and education, online proctoring is fast gaining popularity in the corporate world

In-person interviews are no longer feasible in a digital world, which makes proctored online tests even more important. Moreover, proctored online tests can be used for certification, which is a win-win situation for both parties. This is a great thing for the corporate world. It will make your workplace more secure.

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As a cumulative effect of the technology evolution and adoption, corporates are ready to enjoy the benefits of remote hiring at its best

How can Eklavvya help you?

Eklavvya provides totally customizable solutions for-

  • Candidate registration and automation
  • Bulk communication
  • Proctored online assessment
  • Bulk online interviews