Can user open any other window during Online Exam ?

Security is important aspect during online exam. We have added feature where user opening any other window apart from exam window is prevented. When user tries to open other window during online exam, system shows warning message of user opening other window/ navigating to other activity. After 3 such warnings online exam is suspended.   Following alert message displayed to the user when user tries to navigate to other window from online exam window. Online Exam window alert screen   It is possible to have custom approach where exam can be suspended immediately when user tries to move away from exam window and tries to open another browser window or starts other activity. It ensures that exam is being conducted in secure manner.    

Secure Browser Features

> No need to install any third party application > Works on all browsers > Works on all devices including desktop, laptop, mobile devices > Configure secure browser alerts as per your requirement > Detailed audit log of window switching event > Can be coupled with Screen Recording of the exam screen