Enhancing Exam Evaluation with Digital Answer Sheet Moderation #
Answer sheet moderation is an essential activity of the exam evaluation process quality check. It confirms if exams are being evaluated in a fair manner with high accuracy.
In the traditional answer sheet moderation process, a certain percentage of the answer sheets are assigned to a moderator for re-checking. If there is a difference in marks between two evaluators, the system assigns marks according to the rules defined by the university.
The traditional process is time-consuming and involves physical handling of the answer sheet, and masking of marks issued by the examiner. Using digital answer sheet moderation you can drastically improve this process.
Digital answer sheet moderation is a more prominent and systematic way of selecting the answer sheet for moderation and performing moderation.
In the digital answer sheet moderation, moderators can evaluate answers on digital platforms sitting at any location without any need for physical handing of the answer sheets. It saves a lot of time and cost for the evaluation.
FAQs #
1- How does the answer sheet selection for moderation work in a digital answer sheet moderation system? #
In conventional practice, the answer sheets are randomly chosen for moderation, if the moderator finds any discrepancy in the selected answer sheets, the moderator chooses to further withdraw a few more answer sheets and moderate.
The Digital answer sheet moderation tool provides a systematic approach to selecting the answer sheets for moderation. The answer sheets can be chosen for moderation on the basis of marks awarded, for example, 100% of the answer sheets with more than 95% grade would be sent for moderation, similarly, 100% of the answer sheets with marks less than 35% grade would be sent for moderation.
2- What is the auto-selection of answer sheets in the Online answer sheet moderation tool? #
Digital answer sheet moderation simplifies the entire moderation activity by providing the facility of auto-selection of answer sheets for moderation based on criteria and allocating them to one of the moderators from a pool of moderators.
This means that the most suitable moderator for the task is selected, thus improving the accuracy of the evaluation process.
The On-Screen Evaluation system also features this function, and can significantly speed up the entire moderation activity. Digitizing the process, eliminates the need for physical papers, streamlines, and improves the accuracy associated with answer sheet checking.