Non destructive Scanning

non-destructive scanning

What is Non Destructive Scanning? #

👨‍🏫 Scanning is a crucial process when it comes to evaluating exams onscreen. It ensures that all the pages of the answer sheet are scanned properly without any misplacement of any particular page. This is where non-destructive scanning comes into the picture.

📝 Non-destructive scanning is a method where the physical copies of the answer sheets are scanned without the need to untie or remove any staples from the answer sheet. This means that even if your answer sheet has 16 pages and is stapled properly, non-destructive scanning can be completed without untying the answer sheet.

🤖 Non-destructive scanning is a critical process for onscreen evaluation marking systems. It ensures that all pages of the answer sheet are scanned accurately, reducing the possibility of human error. Moreover, it saves time and effort as there is no need to manually separate each page before scanning.

📚 With non-destructive scanning, the answer sheets are scanned into a digital format for onscreen marking by the examiner. This further simplifies the evaluation process, making it more efficient and streamlined.

🧑‍💻 In conclusion, non-destructive scanning plays a vital role in simplifying the offline exam evaluation process. It ensures that every page of the answer sheet is scanned accurately, saving time and effort. Furthermore, it paves the way for onscreen evaluation marking, making it more efficient and convenient for examiners.

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