C Coding Assessment

Evaluating C Coding Assessment #

Coding assessments in the C programming language are a valuable tool for hiring software engineers and entry-level graduates from computer science programs. C is considered the foundation for many other programming languages, including object-oriented languages, making it an essential skill for any software developer.

The language is known for its power and flexibility, making it a popular choice for system programming, compiler development, and networking applications.

In face-to-face interviews, it can be difficult to gauge a candidate’s proficiency in C programming. Online coding assessments provide a way to objectively evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and skills in the language.

These assessments can take the form of multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, or coding exercises that require candidates to write and debug programs in C.

One of the advantages of online coding assessments is that they can be automatically graded using online compilers. These compilers can execute the candidate’s program and compare its output to the expected results, providing an objective measure of the candidate’s proficiency in the language.

In summary, using coding assessments in the C programming language can be a useful tool to assess candidates’ knowledge of the language and make more informed hiring decisions.

The language is widely used and having a good understanding of it is crucial for software development, system programming, compiler development, and networking applications.

C coding assessments MCQ Questions Sample #

Which of the following keywords is used in C to declare a variable with a local scope?

a. global

b. static

c. local

d. Extern

Relevant Video- #

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