Semi Proctored Exam

Semi Proctored Exam

What is a Semi-Proctored Exam? #

A semi-proctored exam, also known as lightweight proctoring, is a way to conduct remote exams with limited internet connectivity. Unlike full video proctoring, which requires higher bandwidth, semi-proctored exams use technologies that require less bandwidth.

Using Secure or Lockdown Browsers #

One way to conduct a semi-proctored exam is by using secure or lockdown browsers. These browsers prevent students from accessing other apps or websites during the exam, ensuring that they remain focused on the exam.

Capturing Photos of Candidates #

Another way to conduct a semi-proctored exam is by capturing photos of the candidate at certain time intervals using a web camera. This allows proctors to check if the candidate is remaining focused during the exam.

Recording Audio Only #

Semi-proctored exams can also include recording only the audio of the candidate during the exam. This is a less bandwidth-intensive option compared to recording video.

Benefits of Semi-Proctored Exams #

With semi-proctored exams, you can conduct thousands of concurrent exam sessions. This makes it an efficient and effective way to conduct remote exams. Additionally, because it requires less bandwidth, it is a more accessible option for students in areas with limited internet connectivity.

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