C++ Coding Assessment


C++ coding assessments is useful to assess object-oriented coding skills and concepts of the user. C++ is a foundational programming language that is used to build many other advanced languages, such as C#, Java, and Python. 

Manually evaluating c++ skills has limitations as during an interview, a person can be asked a limited set of questions, In the case of hundreds of job applicants you would need to have standardization and technology to evaluate candidates with accuracy.

One effective method for assessing C++ skills is to use online coding tests. These tests present candidates with problems that must be solved by writing C++ code.

The system will then provide an online compiler and compare the output of the code with pre-defined test cases. This allows you to accurately assess the candidate’s ability to write logical code and solve problems using C++.

It is important to properly assess the C++ skills of candidates to ensure that you are hiring the best fit for your software development team. By using online coding tests and other techniques, you can accurately evaluate the C++ skills of potential hires and make informed hiring decisions.

C++ coding assessments Sample question #

Write a C++ program that creates a class called “Rectangle” which represents a rectangle object. The class should have two private member variables width and height. The class should also have a member function that calculates the area of the rectangle, and another member function that calculates the perimeter of the rectangle.

Test Cases:

width = 5 and height = 8

The expected output for the area: 40

The expected output for perimeter: 26

width = 3 and height = 4

The expected output for area: 12

Expected output for perimeter: 14

Sample MCQ Questions #

Which of the following is not a valid C++ data type?

a. int

b. char

c. float

d. Boolean

What is the correct way to define a class in C++?

a. class MyClass;

b. MyClass class;

c. class: MyClass;

d. class MyClass {};

Relevant Video- #

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