Virtual Exams

virtual exam

What are Virtual Exams? #

Virtual exams, also known as Online exams or remote exams, are tests that are taken online, rather than in a physical testing centre. These exams can be administered and attempted from any geographical location. The majority of the virtual exams are now conducted in a proctored mode; meaning that a remote invigilator can monitor the students while they attempt the virtual examination.

Various advantages of virtual examinations include-

  • Convenience to the exam administrator and the students
  • No geographical restrictions and no need to travel to a distant city
  • Flexibility to choose the convenient exam time
  • No restriction on question types
  • Bulk result processing with a single click
  • Remote evaluation of descriptive answers by the evaluator


FAQs #

1- What are virtual exams? #

Virtual exams are online exams, they are taken online instead of in a physical testing center. These exams are more convenient, efficient, and cost-effective at the same time. Due to its various advantages, virtual examinations have found wide acceptance across multiple sectors.

2- How do I take a virtual exam? #

Instructions on how to take a virtual exam will vary depending on the specific exam and the platform being used. Typically, you will need a computer or device with internet access and a webcam, and you may be required to download a program or app.

Certain examinations would need students to authenticate their ID, in such cases, the students are specifically advised to keep the ID card handy with them

3- Are virtual exams as reliable as in-person exams? #

With the advancement of technology, virtual exams are becoming increasingly reliable. They are designed to prevent cheating, and the results are often comparable to those of in-person exams. Virtual exams, when conducted in the proctored mode, provide objective evidence of the malpractice, making the exam system fair. 

4- Can I take a virtual exam on my phone or tablet? #

Yes, the majority of the platforms for Proctored virtual exams are supported on mobile phones and tablets and can be taken on any device that supports the internet and webcam.

Relevant Videos- #

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