Answer sheet moderation

answer sheet moderation

The Importance of Answer Sheet Moderation in Examinations #

Answer sheet moderation is a vital step in the physical examination process. It serves as a quality check to ensure that the answer sheets have been checked accurately and fairly.

The first level of examination is done by a group of examiners. This is the initial step in the process, where the answer sheets are checked for errors, mistakes, and wrong calculations. However, as human error is inevitable, there is a need for a secondary check to assess the quality of the examination process.


FAQs #

1- Moderation as a Quality Check #

To ensure the quality of the examination process, a random sample of answer sheets is selected based on the scoring pattern. These selected answer sheets are then re-checked by a moderator for accuracy and fairness.

2- Handling Scoring Discrepancies #

In the event that there is a difference between the scoring of the examiner and the moderator, pre-defined rules are applied to take into consideration one of the scores for the result-generation process. 

This ensures that the final result is fair and accurate, reflecting the true performance of the students.

Relevant Video- #

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